Miscellaneous Method Calculator
by Kevin Venzke [Home]

If not Condorcet, then what? Here is a calculator for a selection of rank ballot methods which satisfy neither Condorcet nor Later-no-harm.
All the methods satisfy Woodall's Plurality criterion (or a weaker form) and minimal defense, which means I would offer some endorsement of them.

Some other concepts and methods are also included in the table to facilitate comparison. FPP, IRV, and DSC are Later-no-harm methods covered elsewhere. Schwartz and Condorcet are also described elsewhere. "Implicit approval" is the notion that a candidate ranked above any other candidate has "approval" from the voter in some sense. (This concept is overtly used by AER and MAMPO, and less overtly by some others.)
When an election is tied, I show (e.g. with color) all the possible winners in the main table, but there may still be some potential for confusion in the presentation of other details. Below the table, some more in-depth information for certain methods can be displayed.

A few notes. I possess few proofs, so all comments should be taken as seeming to be true according to simulations done so far.

Enter your ballots like this, one per line:
456: Alice>Bob>Carl=Debra
or equivalently to the above:
456: Alice>Bob
The number represents the size of the voting bloc. Decimals are OK. The size can also be left off and it will then be randomized.
Note that this calculator doesn't allow equal ranking above the bottom. This is because not all of these methods handle that kind of ballot.
Candidate names can contain spaces. Each candidate in the list should be separated by > or =. Pipes (i.e. |) and any series of > will be interpreted as single >s. Not every candidate needs to be listed; candidates present on the ballots but missing from one faction's ranking will be interpreted as ranked tied for last, below any explicitly ranked candidates.

Click submit to generate an analysis.

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